Due to some magical mayhem, the Transformers find themselves in Equestria, and the Decepticons have teamed up with nefarious Pony Villains, which can't lead to anything good.
In My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Deck-Building Game Collision Course Expansion, the Mane Six (and Spike!) team up with the Autobots as two-in-one character cards. Use the Autobots abilities by generating Energon on cards or getting an energy boost by eating a Sugar Cube instead.
Product Specifications
- Build and play with My Little Pony Adventures in Equestria deck-building game
- Features unique gameplay and cards
- Perfect for fans of My Little Pony and deck-building games
Length : 20,5 cm | Width : 23,8 cm |
Height : 5,9 cm |
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